The most beautiful hostel in Russia according to OneTwoTrip
  • Street Baghramian 36

    Free accommodation in the hostel

    Draw 3 days of free accommodation in Hostel Suffix!

    The Nearest date of the winner's identification is 01.09.2019.

    The Prize certificate can be used to stay in a dormitory room for men or women.

    To participate in the drawing you need:

    • Join group HOSTEL SUFFIX Kaliningrad
    • Make a repost of an advertising message in the header of the group and save it until the end of the draw on your wall.

    How will the winner be determined?

    Through the Random application that identifies all who reposted this news and randomly determine who will get the prize.


    • Tthe Certificate is valid for 12 months from the date of identification of the winner.
    • The possibility to book a prize accommodation for a specific date is determined by the availability of seats at the time of booking. It is better to book in advance!
    • The Certificate cannot be transferred to third parties.
    • The Certificate cannot be exchanged for cash equivalent.
    • The period of stay on the certificate is not subject to fragmentation.
    • If the winner of the drawing is a person who is under 18 years of age, but has a passport, or accommodation on the certificate is booked for one of these people, accommodation in the hotel is provided only if each of these persons has a notarized power of attorney, at least from one of the parents, allowing their independent accommodation in the hostel.
    • If the winner of the drawing is a person under 18 years of age, without a passport, or accommodation on a certificate in the hotel is only accompanied by one of the parents.
    • Possible extension of the deadline of residence certificate surcharge existing at the time of booking price hostel.
    (c) Suffix Hostel, 2025